
12 2024

Chabad Shavuot Celebration

4:45PM - 6:15PM  

Event/program Date


Event/program Time

04:45 PM - 06:15 PM

Event/program cost (please type FREE if there is no cost)


Event/program description (if no description is included, default text will state "contact event sponsor for more information")

Hear the Ten Commandments and enjoy a Dairy Buffet & Ice Cream

RSVP contact information and deadline to register

RSVP to chabadtoledo.com/shavuot

Contact for community questions about the event/program

Shmouel Matusof 419-322-2730

Additional information (e.g. event/program sponsors, etc.)

Sponsored by Peter & Marcia Silverman in Loving Memory of Inez Silverman, OBM