
7 2023

Chabad Chanukah at the Mall

4:45PM - 6:45PM  

Event/program Date


Event/program Time

04:45 PM - 06:45 PM

Event/program Location (if not your organization's main facility)

5001 Monroe St., Toledo, OH, 43623

Event/program cost (please type FREE if there is no cost)


Event/program description (if no description is included, default text will state "contact event sponsor for more information")

Latkes! Donuts! Music! Entertainment!
At Franklin Park Mall, near the food court.
No need to RSVP.

Contact for community questions about the event/program

Shmouel Matusof - 419-322-2730
Chabad House office - 419-843-9393

Additional information (e.g. event/program sponsors, etc.)

The Chanukah events are sponsored in honor of, and with many thanks to Joel & Linda Beren